Coffee terms for our coffee lovers!

5:23:00 PM

Here is a new article after our summer vacations and after a while we did not post something new.This article is a small dictionary and it is addressed to coffeeholics. It will help you read and understand coffee articles easily from now on. Also, you will know how to express your coffee taste and have a conversation that any expert would be jealous of!

  • Acidity: Coffee acidity has nothing to do with the amount of acid, or pH. Coffee actually has a neutral pH of between 5 and 6. In case that green coffee is stored for more than a year, it will have a perceptible loss of flavor and acidity.
  •  Aroma: Depending on the flavors of the identified coffee, some terms are used to describe its characteristics such as fruit, hazelnut, sour, spice, chocolate, etc.
  •  Balance: A balanced coffee is a little difficult to determine. It does not have any overwhelming flavor or characteristics. A well-balanced coffee has flavors that can be sensed evenly across the tongue. 

  •  Bitterness: Strong and intense flavor. It is not completely unpleasant. The bitter taste increases or decreases depending on the method of roasting and preparing the coffee.
  •  Body: It is used to determine the density of coffee that is left in the mouth 
  •  Bouquet: It describes a mixture of constant sensations of aroma and taste
  •  Fragrance: A term that is used to evaluate the flavor of ground coffee 
  •  Fruity: If you think that coffee beans are seeds of a fruit (coffee cherries) then is not a surprising fact that coffee could have a fruity aroma. 
  •  Medical: If it smells like medicine then it has medical flavor. The medicine flavor comes as a result from cherries drying while still on the coffee plant 
  • Nose: Used to assess the smell of coffee as a ready-to-drink beverage. 

  • Nutty: It is used when having the flavor o fresh nuts
  • Smooth: If you are drinking a balanced coffee without aftertastes, you are drinking a smooth coffee. 
  • Spicey: This coffee has the aroma of sweet spices, like cinnamon 
  • Taste: Used to assess the taste that coffee leaves in your mouth. 

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