Third wave coffee! Quantity VS Quality

10:31:00 PM

Have you ever heard about third wave coffee?Do you know what exactly is that? Let's have look on what third wave coffee is but also on what first and second coffee waves are.

First wave coffee: This wave was mostly about consuming coffee and industries of coffee. This period was characterized by a mass consumption  and easy access to coffee. People were meeting the easy ways to make it at home or work. The most known companies who had huge success that period by offering instant coffee were Maxwell, Folgers and Nestle.
People were choosing quantity instead of quality adding tones of sugar and cream for a better taste. The coffee industry sky-rocked by selling vacuum packages for instant coffee.

 But things changed a little bit later as people were demanding  more from their every day beverage. Somehow a new question was created about the origin of the coffee that people were tasting , this was the time were the term of ''specialty'' coffee was first used.

Second wave coffee : This wave was mostly related to enjoying this  well known beverage. Still coffee industry had a lot to profit from coffee as it was a huge market .People started learning more about coffee as Starbucks and other coffee brands were introducing 'higher'  quality coffee. New ways of enjoying their beverage were introduced to coffee lovers.  Though the second wave of coffee started with the intention to focus on the origin of coffee it was rather about different ways of enjoying and tasting coffee.This is when the third wave of coffee was born. People started appreciating coffee for its unique characteristics.

Third wave coffee: Coffee started being appreciated like a nice piece of art, a good glass of wine. People's curiosity about the origin of coffee was increased. Questions regarding the production procedure, trading,roasting and brewing started arising. This wave is about real coffee lovers, those who don't only consider coffee as a drink but something more than that. A new era began, people started expressing their desire for coffee with higher quality. Nowadays we are aware of the origin of coffee, in which farm it is produced, the procedures prior to roasting and the way it was roasted.

There is a variety of brewing methods not only in coffee shops but also at home. Furthermore, we learned more about farmers, roasters and baristas, all the important people behind coffee as a product. The knowledge gained does not only make us better consumers but also strengthens the coffee industry.

A new whole world is build up around coffee. Many people say that there is going to be a fourth wave of coffee in which every small coffee business will have its independence . Time can only tell! The main conclusion is that coffee industry has become more mature and coffee lovers are more educated.

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